Publishing and Printing of the year 2016

Mark Kornas is a pivotal character in the Polish-Canadian community as a leader and driving influence in local culture and business. His activity in civil society and professional services is a result of his close connection to his native Poland. For over twenty years, he organized and promoted concerts, attracting the local Polish population to some of Poland’s finest and best-known artists.

In 1992, at the Polish Consulate in Toronto, Mark Kornas inaugurated the first Polish Book Fair, which for the following twenty-five years, toured the diaspora in Canada, United States and Australia. In 1994, Mark opened a graphic design-printing business known as Nova Printing, which has thrived in a competitive market. Nova Printing has offered printing services to Canadians across the country and has become an inspiration for other Polish small businesses to follow.

Mark Kornas has been a patron for local arts and culture. He has provided school books and textbooks to Polish schools in Ontario. Working together with a number of civil, non-profit organizations notably with Polish Teacher’s Association, Polish Congress, Polish Combatant’s Association.

He volunteers and supports local Polish candidates to enter political office, by funding campaigns and raising awareness.

Currently, Mark Kornas is the vice president at the John Paul II Foundation. He has fought alongside members of parliament and city councilors to make April 2nd, (John Paul II Day).

He has taken part in removing visas for Polish citizens coming to Canada, allowing easier access for travel and business.

He is an active member in Polish- Canadian sports and athletics, taking part in Polonia Olympics as an athlete representing Canada in two separate sporting events.

Mark is a charismatic leader, benefactor of Polish culture, successful businessman and loving husband and father.