European Union Chamber of Commerce of Canada

The European Union Chamber of Commerce of Canada is the umbrella organization of 20 European Union bilateral Chambers of Commerce and Business Associations and 5 associate members from other European countries, amounting to a membership of 25 organizations. Facts and...

Sponsorship Opportunities

Chamber Partner Corporate membership valid for one year from date of sponsorship Featured as CPCC’s Sponsoring Member Exclusive banner displayed on CPCC website (artwork to be supplied by sponsor). Company logo on CPCC website Company logo on CPCC’s event invitation...
Featured Members

Featured Members

Every month we feature members of our chamber who have shown initiative and have been exceptional at promoting the mandate of the chamber Sophia Sniegowska Sophia Sniegowska joined the Chamber in an official capacity in 2015 and created the Communications Committee in...

Join the CPCC

We are primarily a networking organization and the majority of our hosted events take place in the Greater Toronto Area. We strive to raise the profile of our members and facilitate networking opportunities through trade Missions to Poland, forums, conferences, and...

Membership Types

All memberships are valid for 1 year Student Student members receive notification about all events, seminars and networking opportunities organized by CPCC and receive a discounted rate Student members will have the opportunity to volunteer for any CPCC hosted events....

Membership Application

Request to Join the Chamber * indicates required Email Address * First Name Last Name * Company Position Address * Address Line 2 City State/Province/Region Postal / Zip Code Country USA Aaland Islands Afghanistan Albania Algeria American Samoa Andorra Angola Anguilla...
Board of Directors

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is the governing body of the Canada-Poland Chamber of Commerce. It is mandated to oversee its financial transactions and conduct the business of the Chamber. The Board of Directors is also responsible for the implementation, interpretation and...

Who We Are

The Canada-Poland Chamber of Commerce of Toronto (CPCCT) is a non-profit business organization whose main objective is to promote business opportunities between Canadian and Polish companies and institutions. We believe that a stronger relationship between the two...
Prototype of Syrena Meluzyna in the Barbórka rally

Prototype of Syrena Meluzyna in the Barbórka rally

The prototype of Syrena Meluzyna took part in the Barbórka rally in Warsaw Poland last December. Canada-Poland Chamber of Commerce is one of the patrons of the new venture and is also the venture of our member Arkadiusz Kaminski. The representative of Canada Poland...