Polonijny Szczyt Gospodarczy

W sobotę, 12 września, w Warszawie, w salach Biblioteki Narodowej, zainaugurowane zostały obrady trzydniowej XVIII Światowej Konferencji Gospodarczej Polonii. To wydarzenie ważne i znaczące. Inicjatorem i organizatorem konferencji była Fundacja Polonia. W konferencji...
PM Wraps-Up Successful Visit To Poland

PM Wraps-Up Successful Visit To Poland

Prime Minister Stephen Harper today wrapped-up a successful trip to Poland, which was part of a broader visit to Europe featuring stops in Ukraine, Germany for the G-7 Summit and Vatican City/Italy. He was joined by Jason Kenney, Minister of National Defence and...

Minister Kenney Issues Statement on Polish Constitution Day

Ottawa, May 3, 2015 – The Honourable Jason Kenney, Minister for Multiculturalism, issued the following statement on Constitution Day:    “Today, we join with Canada’s Polish community to mark the adoption of Poland’s constitution in 1791, an event of great pride for...

Canadian Soldiers Welcomed To Poland

Glebokie, Poland – Members of the Canadian Armed Forces participated in a special ceremony hosted by the Polish Army today in Glebokie, Poland, to welcome them to their home base.   Since their arrival in May 2014, Canadian Armed Forces members have been...

Tribute to Liberty Dinner with Prime Minister Harper

On Friday, May 30th, Prime Minister Stephen Harper delivered the keynote address at a fundraising dinner in Toronto for Tribute to Liberty, which is building a monument to the victims of communism in our nation’s capital. This memorial will honour of the...