Polonijny Szczyt Gospodarczy

W sobotę, 12 września, w Warszawie, w salach Biblioteki Narodowej, zainaugurowane zostały obrady trzydniowej XVIII Światowej Konferencji Gospodarczej Polonii. To wydarzenie ważne i znaczące. Inicjatorem i organizatorem konferencji była Fundacja Polonia. W konferencji...
PM Wraps-Up Successful Visit To Poland

PM Wraps-Up Successful Visit To Poland

Prime Minister Stephen Harper today wrapped-up a successful trip to Poland, which was part of a broader visit to Europe featuring stops in Ukraine, Germany for the G-7 Summit and Vatican City/Italy. He was joined by Jason Kenney, Minister of National Defence and...

Minister Kenney Issues Statement on Polish Constitution Day

Ottawa, May 3, 2015 – The Honourable Jason Kenney, Minister for Multiculturalism, issued the following statement on Constitution Day:    “Today, we join with Canada’s Polish community to mark the adoption of Poland’s constitution in 1791, an event of great pride for...